A Tease

November 15, 2009 Ella
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Its been a pretty busy week for me. I had a big concert at the theatre I manage–my real job, many of my students had to bringing in their first cakes this week, and the holidays are just around the corner. Wow.

At some point this week I found a few minutes at my local Target store, to purchase  a few small things, one of which included Madonna’s new CD Celebration.   I figured I needed some upbeat motivational dance music, and after all I like that new single. 

What I didn’t realize is the track on the double disc CD is not the radio edit.  Isn’t that always such a let down!  The single you’d love to play on repeat isn’t actually on the album, and instead theres the first draft of the song?

Its like a blog without pictures!

Ahh thats better.

So what does this have to do with Fondant?  Well almost nothing except that this recipe was also just a tease.  In doing some exploring and going through various recipes for Fondant, I came across a ButterCream Fondant Recipe and was excited.  It seemed easy to make and perhaps it would offer a better flavor than the store bought (just about everyone I know HATES the taste of store bought.) And Buttercream Fondant is known to have a natural shine. Mmm sign me up!  


See how shiney?

Oh but I spoke too soon.  This Fondant kinda sucks!  The only ingredient it includes thats different than Buttercream Frosting is Corn Syrup.  Now Corn Syrup being a liquid seems like a strange ingredient variation, considering that its the reason that this frosting goes from a stiff liquid to a dough.  Buttercream Fondant is easy to roll out, and is shiney.  The corn syryp continually rises to the top of the surface adding a sheen to the fondant.  It also doesn’t dry out like your typical store bought fondant or Marshmellow fondant  So its nice not having to compulsively cover the dough when you’re not working with it.



Its difficult however to roll this dough out without using tons of powdered sugar to keep the fondant from sticking.  The more sugar you add the harder it is to keep the dough from cracking and falling apart.  

All in all this recipe was kind of a let down.  I had to re-roll the dough several times as it continually just craked and broke off my poor cooperative cake.  Even after I finally got it to stick the dough looked like there were lots of pox marks in it…Eww.  The recipe is below and I encourage anyone to try it, make me look like a complainer who just had a bad day with a new recipe, and should have just bought the song she wanted on iTunes. 

Butter Cream Fondant

1 cup shortening

1 cup corn syrup

1 tsp clear vanilla extract

2 lbs powdered sugar

1/2 tsp of fine salt

Mix the shortening, syrup, extract and salt until well combined.  Add sugar until you have a moldable dough.  


Entry Filed under: ButterCream,Fondant

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Sugar, Frosting, and Fondant: an artistic exploration of Cake and other Sweets
